Join our partner programs

Certified (hardware)

Devices bearing the "QField Certified" logo are thoroughly tested by the QField team for seamless integration and user experience with QField.

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Works with (hardware)

The "Works with QField" badge, is designed to showcase hardware manufacturers whose devices are compatible with QField.

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Certified trainer

Survey and digitise data in no time. QField is the professional mobile app for QGIS, allowing users to deploy their existing projects to the field.

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QField is the leading professional fieldwork app used in enterprise settings for efficient geospatial data collection and management. As a Digital Public Good, QField not only excels in enterprise and professional applications but also contributes significantly to advancing at least six of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), promoting a more sustainable and equitable future.


QField is released under the GNU Public License (GPL) Version 2 or above. Developing QField under this license means that you can inspect and modify the source code and guarantees that you will always have access to a QGIS based field data collection app that is free of cost and can be freely modified.


QField, QFieldCloud and QFieldSync are developped by offers consulting, development, training and support for open source software including QField, QGIS and PostGIS.